visualization platform, smart campus visualization platform, three-dimensional campus geographic information system, three-dimensional virtual campus location service platform. technical support: beijing xunbang technology development co., ltd.
fujian xingguan zhitong information systems co., ltd. is a software development company with the internet of vehicles platform as the core, mainly providing high concurrency and big data processing capabilities.

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commercial companies **long-term rental apartment system zhuhai telecom broadband 2025-03-15

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gumi aiche an official website - the world's leading location service platform, car online, gumi technology, Beko倍科源于英国,畅销英国30年,是英国销量第一的大家电品牌。隶属于世界五百强旗下,是欧洲知名白色家电品牌。Beko zhuhai telecom broadband beidou service platform 2025-03-06

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mobile phone software LED location service platform %的产业化目标。多个项目被列为南湖区、嘉兴市科技计划项目,部分产品被列入省级及国家重点新产品计划项目,公司具有自主知识产权的核心技术体系,拥有国内先进的产品设计研发中心和实验中心。公司已通过了ISO9001、ISO14001、OHSAS18001管理体系认证,多项产品通过UL、TÜV、VDE、CGC、CE、CB、RoHS、CCC、CQC query and inclusion LG、格力、格兰仕、TCL、 positioner, beidou, global positioning system, vehicle management, car anti-theft device yesterday's total visit 2025-03-06

中山格兰仕家用电器有限公司 中山格兰仕家用电器有限公司

中山格兰仕家用电器有限公司-格兰仕集团是一家***综合性白色家电品牌企业。目前,格兰仕主要产品涵盖微波炉、家用空调、中央空调、冰箱、洗衣机、电饭煲、电磁炉、电压力锅、电烤箱、电水壶、洗碗机、干衣机、酒柜、加湿器、取暖器、豆浆机、电蒸炉等家电产品和磁控管、变压器、压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器、电机、模具、电脑板等家电核心配件产品。 zhuhai telecom broadband 2025-03-05

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国元商品是一个专注于发布电器商品信息的网站,这里有冰箱、干衣机、冷气、洗衣机、液晶电视的价格和故障问题等详细信息,为用户提供了更多信息帮助。 beidou-smart and open beidou location service 2025-02-23

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shenzhen corporate promotional video shooting and production  万宝(广州)压缩机有限公司(PWAPCGZ)成立于1993年6月8日,公司主要研发和制造旋转式压缩机。产品应用于房间空调器、干衣机、除湿机及热泵热水器,清洁取暖,新能源汽车,移动基站等领域,年生产能力1100万台。 yesterday's total visit 2025-02-20

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readings on this page PTC加热器组件品牌生产厂家,主要生产销售高压水加热器、大巴、浴霸、呼吸机、干衣机、毛巾架、暖风机、电动车、新能源汽车加热器、电动汽车PTC、PTC展会、电热管、驱蚊器等设备,产品批发价格便宜,热销上海、北京、深圳、浙江、江苏、山东等地。 zhuhai telecom broadband 2025-02-19

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上海创导物流工业研究所,生产线生产厂家,提供干衣机/fujian xingguan zhitong information systems co., ltd. is a software development company with the internet of vehicles platform as the core, mainly providing high concurrency and big data processing capabilities. AGV,搬运机器人,流水线,生产线等 yesterday's total visit 2025-02-16

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beidou service platform, a high-precision positioning platform that supports sub-meter and meter levels, supports real-time location services, trajectory playback, electronic fences, statistical reports, and other functions. it is suitable for logistics and transportation, public security traffic police, escorts, official vehicles, military vehicles, personnel location management, etc. popularity rankings 2025-02-14

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惠尔普家电面向家电产业和家电消费群的综合性行业门户。倾力为家电业界和家电消费者提供空调,冰箱,电视,智慧屏,洗衣机,干衣机,油烟机,洗碗机,蒸烤箱,净水器,扫地机器人,智能马桶等家电的新闻资讯、海外市场动态、行业数据、家电报告、新品动态、产品评测、售后服务等家电行业资讯和家电消费资讯 series of location service platform software. the company provides software development and operation and maintenance guarantee services mainly based on location service platforms for location service operators across the country, including inspection of the ministry of standards, platform software customization development, platform operation and maintenance services, etc. 2025-02-05

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上海幸福工业洗衣机有限公司北京销售部主要经营工业洗衣机、干衣机、洗涤设备、整烫设备,“幸福牌”工业洗涤设备是国内早开发制造的生活洁具类产品和针织服饰等行业后处理工艺必不可少的设备。产品有水洗,脱水,烘干,干洗,熨烫五大系列。三十多年来,被广泛应用于... yesterday's total visit 2025-01-31

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深圳市润疆电子有限公司,鼓风机;落地扇;工业风扇;散热风扇;排风扇;离心式鼓风机;轴流交流风扇;滚珠轴承风扇;轴流风机;微型风扇;电磁炉鼓风机;工业交流风扇;超大型工业风扇;直流风扇;消防轴流风机;低噪声鼓风机;温控交流风扇;防水工业风扇;防潮直流风扇;干衣机直流风扇,86-0755-86009965,如需购买鼓风机;落地扇;工业风扇;散热风扇;排风扇;离心式鼓风机;轴流交流风扇;滚珠轴承风扇;轴流风机;微型风扇;电磁炉鼓风机;工业交流风扇;超大型工业风扇;直流风扇;消防轴流风机;低噪声鼓风机;温控交流风扇;防水工业风扇;防潮直流风扇;干衣机直流风扇,请联系我们深圳市润疆电子有限公司 fujian xingguan zhitong information systems co., ltd. is a software development company with the internet of vehicles platform as the core, mainly providing high concurrency and big data processing capabilities. 2025-01-29

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